Budget outcome 2024-2025: A Roadmap for ‘Viksit Bharat’

The Budget for 2024-2025, unveiled in July 2024, outlines a comprehensive plan to steer India towards its vision of ‘Viksit Bharat.’ Here are the key features and priorities of this trans-formative budget: Employment and Skilling 1. Women in Workforce: Initiatives like working women hostels and creches in collaboration with the industry aim to increase women’s […]

Important Factors To Determine Stock Market Movement In India Over The Next Few Months

Forecasting its performance is expectation laden and unpredictable at best as our great Monsoon season; India can also burst into the much awaited yet risky full bloom of spring with an equal measure, stringent winter chills are all but history. But it’s okay, we’ve got your back. In this article, we will discuss the hurdles […]

Understanding Capital Gains Tax

Capital gains tax, also known as capital gains levy, is the charge imposed on profit realized from the disposal of capital assets such as equities, bonds or other investments. It differs from income tax which is charged on earnings and instead applies to proceeds arising out of sale of assets. Short–term and long-term gain are […]

The Role of Dividends in Investment Portfolios

Dividends are important in investment portfolios because they offer more than just profit from a stock’s price going up. They provide regular income, making portfolios more stable. This steady income can boost overall returns. 1. Steady Income Stream One of the primary reasons investors are drawn to dividends is the reliable income they provide. Unlike […]

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Financial Markets

AI is transforming financial markets by enhancing high-frequency trading, risk management, and portfolio optimization. This blog outlines AI’s key applications, benefits, and ethical considerations in finance. The Role of AI in Financial Markets High-Frequency Trading (HFT)AI executes large orders at high speeds, improving liquidity and efficiency but raising concerns about market stability and fairness. Algorithmic […]

The Rising Participation of Retail Investors in the Indian Stock Market

The Indian stock market has witnessed a significant transformation in recent years. One of the most notable changes is the surge in participation by retail investors. Traditionally dominated by institutional investors, the stock market now sees a growing presence of individual investors. This shift is reshaping the landscape of India’s financial markets. The Growth of […]

How the Indian Stock Market Has Reacted to Elections in the Past 20 Years

The Indian stock market, a barometer of the country’s economic health, often mirrors the political climate, particularly during elections. Over the past two decades, the interplay between election outcomes and market responses has provided a fascinating insight into investor sentiment and economic expectations. This blog delves into how the Indian stock market has reacted to […]