There is no one “best” technical indicator as different indicators may be more or less effective depending on the specific market conditions, the type of asset being traded, and the trader’s individual strategy and risk tolerance. However, some of the most commonly used technical indicators among traders include: In essence, it is worth mentioning that […]
Shiny, blue, and necessary for our contemporary existence. Cobalt may not have a well-known name in our everyday life but it is an essential component of many of the gadgets and technology that we use every day. Based on the growing use in batteries, the metal is sometimes referred to as the “new age lithium”. […]
EVs, which promise to be a greener, cleaner, and more effective form of transportation, has taken the automobile industry by storm. Electric vehicles (EVs) have become a feasible option for the future of mobility as immense attention is being paid to lowering carbon emissions and air pollution. EVs currently exist in a wide range of […]
In today’s time, hydrogen energy is getting increased attention as a possible game-changer in the transition to a more sustainable energy future. However, traditional energy sources like coal, oil, and natural gas still account for the majority of the world’s energy output. Although hydrogen energy is a clean, renewable, and diverse energy source, its high […]
Lithium, the silvery-white metal is emerging as one of the most important strategic metals of current times. It alters the playing field for any nation that has access to its reserves. The metal act as a key ingredient in batteries that power electric cars, renewable energy storage systems, and other cutting-edge technology because of its […]
Technical and fundamental analyses are two different approaches that are used for analyzing stocks and making investment decisions. Technical analysis: It is a method for assessing securities that includes looking at market data such as past prices and size. According to technical analysts, it is possible to anticipate a stock’s future performance using the previous […]
In our last blog, we have discussed how the concept of “Sure shot call” is eroding the traders’ hard-earned capital by guaranteeing 100% accuracy. However, after completing that piece the question arises if not such channels then what should be the criterion/factors that traders should use before considering any research analysis firms? In this article, […]
Before diving into the fascinating journey of options trading and improving the chances of success, it is crucial to take into account several vital aspects. These factors can help traders to enhance their probability of success in options trading. These factors are: In conclusion, it is critical to have a thorough grasp of options, financial […]
The term “commodity trading” refers to the purchasing and selling of unprocessed or “primary items,” often those derived from agriculture or resource extraction, such as crops, metals, oil, and gas. Sale and purchase of these products are made by commodities traders on exchanges like the Multi Commodity Exchange of India (MCX) to profit from fluctuations […]
These days the market is flooded with a pretty casual slang known as “sure shot call”. Whether it be Instagram or telegram, you must have witnessed hundreds of channels giving these calls and guaranteeing a fortune. Sure shot call refers to a lucrative transaction or investment opportunity normally provided by shady channels or platforms in […]